Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmast Eve.. =[
even my dad thought I'm going, he called to asked me to be careful!
but sorry dears..
I'm not joining you guys!!
I cant ren xin let my mom alone kat rumah lar.. =]
but without me you guys pun akan sangat enjoy punya~
ambil banyak banyak pictures bagi i tengok!!
and also that picture I wanted to see~
and GBL, you are gonna be postman again soon!! =p
we DID praticed!! for lets say.. less than half an hour??!!
went HY's house to wait for dear HM~
and I suka sangat budak yue rui tu!!
very cute and en tao!!
he's 2/3 years old human kind BUT speaking alien languanges!!
after prac, HY came my house to wait for 12pm arrival!
and we had lunchie together with KK..
planned to go d fortune but dunno which rich human booked the WHOLE restaurant..
end up we go eat seafood.. [yum yum]
and boycotted + blacklist him because he parked NO PARKING supposedly punya place..
anw, thx for the lunch !! =]
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

ya.. me, MF, MY, WW and KS watched 2012.. and after lunchie at McD, WW and I watched Phobia 2 while KS, MF and MY watched Mulan..

MF and MY came to fetch me as early as 9am.. so, we let the train moves while we'll wait for the next one!!
the 1st thing we did was going for the directory, finding for MCKY to visit WMY.. she was wiping the big mickey that time and it's her husband.. next, we went to the gardens to find THS at starbucks.. Gosh.. she was so busy that time..
then, we went to buy tickets for 2012 because WW and KS are coming by cab, and might be late.. so we planned to buy for the second movie as well but that cashier said phobia 2 is only for above 18!! ==" end up ask WW and KS buy, the cashier didn't say anything!! O.o
2012 was fine and MF keep saying dat one of the guy sangat cute!! and we were actually keep laughing when having our lunch!! KS and WW have not taken their breakfast actually til 2pm ++.. and they are VERY hungry.. KS ate the most!! [woah~]
during Phobia time, gosh.. it was scary!! no one sit beside me and I was keep imagining what if the chair comes down by itself?! and the girls beside the unsitted chair are very noisy, they talked and laughed very loud lo~ ya.. and WW sit until so cool like nothing happened while I keep turning my head whenever I was frightened!![compare and contrast] haha! and ya, we admitted my good turning skills because not once also my head bang him!! haha..
we played hide and seek for 20 minutes.. and ate ice cream.. then go back!! Thanks to WW and KS for teman-ing me go back to Kepong station..[their stop is act Bank Negara, and it arrives b4 kepong].. thank you korang banyak banyak!!
I had lotta fun!! thanks guys~
Saturday, December 5, 2009
ya.. cz BL sudah habiskan semua cerita itu!!
went gurney for movie again!!
Warren fetched us.. haha~ [thanks Mr. Driver!!]
this time, we've got me, sis, Pat, Warren, and YS!!
we planned to watch Phobia 2~
went there, haha..
no more show!!
so.. after long discussion, we decided to watch New Moon bcz refused to watch Christmast Carol!!
and sorry 4 Twilight fans, the show is very boring!!
but what makes us keep laughing quietly, is the people in the front row!!
listening to their conv really keep us awake!!
oh.. did I tell you Mr. L is cute?!
ya.. arrived on Friday!!
Saturday went out with sis, Pat, Mich, SY, GZ, Roger and Warren!!
went gurney red box first, then movie~
I think its either me too outdated or they are..
cz the songs they chose, fuyoh!!
I didn't hear b4 one..
and half way singing dear GBL video call me to make me jealous!!
I tell you, I blacklist korang sudah!! =p
and I showed BL lengzai through video call man!!
I went back in room 12 and dia orang thought I was talking to my BF..
watched a drama yesterday! [its a drama, not movie]
Celebration, it is called!
very funny lor..and full of dirty words~
ya...and it costs me rm15 to watch this drama which took only 70 minutes!!
before entering the so-called hall,
we were so bek chek outside with lottha people!!
oh ya!! "we" are me, sis, and Pat!
after drama-ing, we went makan la of coz kan?!
ya.. dear Mr Pat keep rounding here and there to find for food..
the passengers in the car got bored and this came out..
Friday, November 20, 2009
Gosh.. everyone, including me, excluding YHY seems like half dead!!
so sleepy man!!!
oh ya!
and dear GBL sudah straightened her hair!!
tapi padan muka at the same time,
sebab she cannot tie her hair and keep complaining she feel very hot..
and FMF makan until sangat full kat PH.. XD
jugak lupa 2 pay back MML money timm~~
[not purposely de ah]
and ter-follow the song 'SHUT UP AND DRIVE' when MML is talking while she's driving!!
[seriously!! not purposely!!]
excited about tomorrow~
haha... macam sakai je..
what to do?!
its my first time.. lalala~~
Thursday, November 12, 2009
today's dilemma would not happen!!
if it's not because of the reflection,
MF would not be this sad!!
if it's not because of the reflection,
MF would not wake up!!
and if it's not because of the reflection,
MF is still living in her fairy tale!!
oh dear!!
GBL, MF need you sangat sangat now..
you must know that it's not MF's will to be like this.
She is guilty, yes she knows!
please stop scolding the thing beating in her left chest!!
because it suffers a lot too~
although it is its fault!
MF is trying to avoid things from getting worse!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
dear darling
but definitely not the scissors fight, kay??
its scary!!
Enjoy every moment asking you to "shut up"!!
and sometimes "shut it" as you've used my line!!
And also stop talking to you cz you are way too noisy..[haha]
and also because you are abusing me..
mentally, physically and emotionally!!
Enjoy the moments of gossiping others!!
though its bad,
we love it!!
Enjoy wandering around the school with you
to find teachers
Enjoy chatting with you
sharing experiencing-experience
[its good to know that someone has the same thought]
and that someone is so near, very near
Enjoy every single day seeing your face
and made Izzati laugh everyday [not purposely]
and made YPW said we makes weird noises!!
love u much much!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
It was the letter that everyone doesn't wanna receive..
The truth of only 10subjects can be taken is right in front of me..
Too bad la~
I've chosen account instead of EST
not that I find EST boring or useless
I just...
prefer account more..
counting is always easier than writing for me!! ^^
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
No more
No more texting
No more chatting
No more talking
No more looking at each other
No more caring words from you
No more lame jokes from you
No more problems of yours
No more comforting words from you after nightmares
No more 'sorry' from you for breaking promises
No more 'no next time' from you
No more promises from you
No more laugh-for-nothing from you
fmf is quite lonely without you~
Let's get back into studying mode~
Today is such a cold day,
and I'm sitting below the fan!!
After one period of English,
I didn't notice AT ALL that the fans were off!!
and yet, I still keep complaining it's freezing cold!! [=.="]
Dear wei wen,
not that I do not wanna update..
It's just I have nothing to be updated!!
and your result of boredom,
80 questions lea~
lazy to answer.. [haha]
I promise I will update once I got things to be updated, kay??
Thursday, August 27, 2009
gbl's big day!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The feeling is so scary when I couldn't answer their questions..
I wanted to say out loud that I really do ..
but the words evaporated before they manage to come out!!
I don't know whether that's my true answer,
or the answer that I wish I had??
I've tried changing topics,
that doesn't change the fact, does it??
I've never doubted my feelings like how I do today!!
Do I really have to??
If that question was asked again..
Will I be able to answer confidently??
I seriously don't know my not-sad-feeling is just to cover my own feeling and weaknesses..
or I'm not sad at all??!!
I really don't know~~
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
does it hurt??
Promises broken again!!
though you have promised not to hang around with her??
but you DID
supposing no feeling since this is not your first time doing so
God, seriously,
are you out of your mind??
You have been warned!!
have been told!!
have seen the others!!
How come??
how come you still can trust a person like that??
There's nothing else you could do right now,
think of a way to reduce the "impulsive force" on her..
so that she would not be too hurt by the truth..
As I told you,
day by day..
the true colour of hers will be revealed slowly!!
But you just do not listen..
you know the pain!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Everyday, it just seems like there's still lotz of things to talk to you!!
Since long long time ago,
promises have been made by you..
and those promises are not promises anymore,
cuz you broke those promises!!
Except maybe for one..
You are going soon,
in just few months time
so just let's see if that promise will be fulfilled!!
I have known you for 5 years
Quarreling all the time
but as time passes, we became friends
Many things had happened in the period of 5 years,
of coz..
we are affected!!
But we managed to hold on til now..
So just pray hard that whatever happened next,
will not gonna affect our friendship!! =)
class trip!!!
4sc3 went for class trip today!!
yea right!!
Itz actually-RIMUP (Rancangan Integrasi Murid Untuk Perpaduan)
but still the whole sc3 went kan?!
so, we considered it as our class trip!!
SMK Raja Ali and SMP Jalan Ipoh and of coz..SMK St Mary
these schools are involved only..
Had lotta fun and new friends there ^^
I really admire a girl's talent in drawing..
During our poster drawing competition,
we actually ask that girl (from other team),
to help us draw human.. :P
Did I mention that I'm the one gave idea in how our poster will look like?
oh, I'm so proud!!
MF giving idea in seni weh~~
we sang and cheered and laughed out loud in the bus..
Really love sc3-ians to da max!!! u guys much..
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Which one??
The one who find you only when you are in touble...
Or the one who find you only when they are in trouble??
Please do pay attention on the word 'ONLY'
Both equally sucks for me!!
It means if I am not in trouble, I can't see XXX
and if XXX is not in trouble, then I lagi can't see XXX
Shall I wish that I will get into trouble if I wanna see XXX
and shall I wish that XXX will get into trouble if I wanna see XXX???!!
p/s: both XXX are different people!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
[actually I feel she was complaining to HMY more than telling me to be early lo!!]
I said it's because our Tuesday class is after reccess..
So, I gotta take care class then only can go for my class
and she said Friday also wat?!
then only I realised that Friday class is the 1st period,
the same thing...
Today after reccess,
I cepat cepat go to the lab already,
which is early..
and because I can't see the board, I sat in front!!
So, when our monitor asked us to greet her when she entered the lab,
she was shocked to see me there before her!!
[can see from her face lah~]
King : oh my god, so surprised that you are here!!
I happy that finally I am earlier than her..
even just for once..
I did it!! :)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
It sucks man
damn poor connection!!
Not everyone can choose their fate and destiny!!
if you are so happen to be given a chance to do so, what your choice will be??
if you are able to change the past,
will you change anything?
for me, I won't!!
Pasts only train us to be stronger!!
it is not important to know what had happened?
but it is important to know what is going to happen?
Pasts are something that we have to accept
and future is something that we have to go through!!
our future mainly depends on our past~
ignore me, i'm crapping!! ;)
Friday, June 5, 2009
in love~~ ;)
One day I was in pl's house and we talk about him!!
one word that they've said,
had stopped all my fantasies!!
"He is not a him!! He is a she!!"
you guys tell me..
Does she look like a he??

Thursday, June 4, 2009
blood donation promo..
promo time is here!!
St. John Ambulance is organizing a blood donation campaign!!
Venue : Carrefour, Kepong (1st floor)
Time : 10.30am - 5pm
Date : 7th June 2009 (Sunday)
Those who are interested to donate blood, these are the requirements:
1) Must be older than 17 years old.
2) If you are 17 years old (passed your 2009 birthday), you have to bring along your parents.
3) You must not involved in : homosexual activities
bisexual activities
more than 1 sex partner
4) You must be more than 45kg.
5) Pregnant ladies or those who are on their menstrual period cannot donate blood.
for more informations..
please do come on that day!!
thank you...
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
why did you cried??
to release the burden in you!!
why are there burden in you??
because you love!!
crying actually lessen your burden, causing your love to be lessened too...
do not cry, no matter how heavy is your burden!!
keep the love in you..
you might not show it to anyone..
as long as the love is still there,
you will know..
you still have the hope in your life!!
especially under the hot sun
and got barked by dogs...
so, don't simply throw any flyers onto the ground without taking a look at it!!
kesian the people that distribute those flyers!!
and haih..
God, why am I always this weak le??
tak pasal pasal dizzy..
banggang me!!
flyer distribution
woke up at 6.30am..(the alarm actually was set at 6am)
get ready and went HY's house..
divided into 2 team..
1 following py, 1 following hyy
psa, kcm, csy and me followed hyy..
went the housing area near kepong..
1st destination...
kena halau by the guard..
banggang betul..
he followed us til we are out of the housing area!!
then we ma go other place lo
every housing area that we went also got security guard!!
but we can go in la..
just that there's something I don't really understand
since they got guard, it should be secured, kan?!
but many many many people have dogs!!!!!!!!
some houses somemore got more than 1 dog...
they keep on bark and bark and bark..
nothing else to do izzit??
and some dogs even more cool weh~~
they actually started barking before I go to that house!! =.=
after dunno how long,
I feel like going to the toilet..(tulah pasal minum air too much!!)
but that street, is actually a no-ending street..
so I decided to ask to tumpang toilet!!
mana tahu takde seorang pun yang ada di luar rumah!!
then tahan tahan tahan..
walk til house number 133, ask 1 uncle so that I can tumpang toilet!!
he let me in..
after that, I feel dizzy
according to him, it's because I tahan too long already..
after resting a while at there, psa and I continue with the flyers!!
I was feeling fine...
until I reached a house number 331..
then I feel like a bit bit dizzy again..
(hey!! 133 and 331)
oh my gosh..
yy said can buy toto ad..^^
after finished 2000 flyers, we went to a cafe to makan!!
then.. balik!!
what a day!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Happy Teachers' Day!!
It was awesome!!!!!!!!
I sat with the 4A4 girls..
Najwa, Elina and Amirah!!
for the very 1st time I wasn't sitting with my own gang..
we tend to get along very well..
as Amirah said, I have already sebulu with them!!^^
I really did enjoy myself to the max..
was having sore throat for keep cheering with the guys!!
reali tak tahan see the hot and sexy teachers!!
You rock girls!!!
Next, I am very happy because most of the people love the song I Will Be..
feel so proud of myself to choose that song!!
psa have done a great job in editing the lyrics
my sayang...(haha)
a.k.a sexy is so sexy..
she, mun, and su was great!!d
And to cmf..
sure you are feeling good right?!
the celebration was a great, awesome success!!
you have done a marvellous job!! :)
Elina took me for a round with her motorcycle!!
cool weh~~
really nice... :)
It's Over
as usual, add maths is still a nightmare for me!!
That day when I was sitting for it,
I felt dizzy, real dizzy
and I slept for twice!!
and I left 6 qstns worth 31 marks to be blank... *sobx*
It is totally a disaster of mine in form 4..
I hope that I will be much more prepared for the coming exams..
Came to the end of mid-year examination make me feel happy and sad at the same time..
:) + :( = ??
Happy=duh...itz the end of examination!!
Sad=homeworks vil be coming soon!!
during the hols, I will really try my best to adapt those subjects that are not consumed yet
i hope...^^
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
sick of it
and I'm still here
in front of the computer!!
2mr, exam still on!!
and it's the paper that will definitely kills me!!
ADD MATHS!!!!!!!!!!!!
[alrite...maybe a little bit too exaggerate..haha]
I don't have the urge to study add maths
although i wanna to..
I just got bored when I can't understand what the heck I'm actully looking at!!
Don't say digest the thing,
I can't even consume that subject!!
I MOST PROBABLY will FAIL all my science subjects
although I really do enjoy this subject, I just don't know why I can't even answer the most easy question!!
I've already knew that I will fail before I do my paper 2 this Thursday
because dear paper 1 had already given me the conclusion~
Today after break, we are free..
[for those who didn't take chinese]
if you glance through the whole class, everyone is revising their add maths!!
but if you'd look properly, there sits a girl doing nothing!!
Itu pun saya!!
Just pray hard that I don't pass out during the exam..
maybe 2mr,
I will just stare at the paper, hoping the paper could give me the answer!!
Oh God, I pray to you..
please make my add maths paper come to life and could tell me the answer for the questions on its body...
just kidding..
later teacher say I cheat in exam pulak!!
Oh God,
please guide me throughout the exam..
please give me the power of memory and understanding
so that I can really know what I'm reading later midnight and remember it til 2mr!!
and 1 more..
please give me the power to stay awake tonight..
[if not I will just doze off like the other days where I onl study that subject at 7am in school til exam starts]
hope my wishes will be granted
I think I'm not too greedy, am I?!
Thank you God...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
simply nia~
There are many things that could happen,
even those that you don't even expect it will happen...
Who will ever guessed that I will have a didi??
Di, funny la u!!
And you!!
who will ever expect that we will chat for so long today?
remember what you've promised me..
there's no need to listen to MP3 when you are bored!!
and all the things I've said today..
Similarly, I will definitely remember my promise to you..
I will tell you whenever I got hurt
I won't let you be happy when I'm hurt
thus, don't worry that I will not tell you!!
I do appreciate our friendships
a lot a lot...
more than you think I do!!
More than both of you do!!
love you guys!!
(and love to call you di~~) ^^
Friday, April 17, 2009
lonely...I'm Mr. Lonely...
Can't you just stop hurting her??
Her parents bring her to this world to enjoy life...
Her heart is meant to pump blood..
Not meant to be hurt..
The fear of loneliness is still somewhere in her heart
She tried so hard to eliminate the fear
but she is not strong enough
therefore, she hide it somewhere deep down in her heart
She thought that she won't feel that anymore
but she was wrong..
Whenever she is there,
sitting alone..or maybe
when she was telling some other people about that,
here comesthe fear
the sadness
the feel of loneliness
She may keep joking and laughing or maybe, just smiling
but who knows what's playing in her mind at that time??
She hopes that the moment of happiness will not end..
She will not stop joking, laughing, smiling..
But the cruel reality disappoint her
she stops
not because she is tired
it's just simply because there's no one beside her anymore..
Thus, she is trying damn hard to be independent
she is still trying hard now
however, no matter how hard she tries,
she still feels lonely at times..
She once said
"friends are forever"
"once I said you are my friend, then you are...forever"
and she said to those people
"once you are, forever you are"
but how true it can be??
now she gotta said...
"we are distanced"
She is very tired of trying to guess who is true and who is not
she is not observantshe can't differentiate truths or lies
she doesn't know haw many big fat liars will appear in her life
she's tryna to be optimistic..
believing that there are someone she can rely trust and rely on..
she found some but still doubting...
She is still doubting...
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
seventh of april
Basically, tomorrow we have to build the powerpoint presentation there and there..
48 slides in 3 hours..
At first, all of us thought it's ok, we can manage it!!
But we are wrong..
It turns out that we must use microsoft 2003...
Which we are blur in..
We are so used to 2007!!
When we practised building it up today..
I feel so frustrated!!
I can't find the thing I wanna find..
custom animation, hyperlink wordart and etc..
I myself used 1 hour and 3 minutes to finish my part which is only 16 slides..
We actually planned to use 45 minutes each person
and 15 minutes to do the animation!!
We presented in front of a F1 class today in the media room..
We have already forgotten most of our script..
We got the comments from the class..
and we are going to improve ourselves based on the comments..
the most important thing is..
memorize the script!!!!!
And they said that I talk BM got English slang..
Got meh??
especially the word 'cara-cara' they said..
I've already practice at home..
I feel it was ok..
bt I dunno..
Tomorrow must practice in front of Kaveesha and Husna!!
sorry ya for what I've done today..
I just can't control myself..
And I've told you beforehand what I can be when I'm stressed, kan?!
Anyway, I'm just voicing out..
Since you still keep doing the same thing when Kaveesha told you not to..
I guess I have to tell you again lo..
We just don't want a one-man-show in our competition!!
We are a team, together we will fight til the end..
remember: THE LAW OF ATTRACTION!! :)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Please tell me it's all just a dream...
It didn't really happened, did it??
Went to school,
struggling to memorize my script..
#Reading time, went counselling room to add 1 more slide..(the 1 that had killed me)
Proceeded to the hall..
Set up the laptop..
Yuga said SL went to take the plug(??) for the music..
So, we presented half of our presentation without music!!
When its my turn...
-over and inappropriate body gesture
- too nervous
- hands tak tentu arah
- missed out a slide (# dat 1)
- said SORRY when I missed that without actually remembering that there's a mic on my hand..
Fish like hell!!
but still have to act like nnothing happened and keep going on...
like this still got hope to win ah me??
They said at least I got an experience since this is my 1st time..(although itz a not-so-good experience)
so that I can strengthen my strengths more and improve my weaknesses..
the sorry was a disaster!!
Thanks to WJ and YS..
they are like so cool...*thumbs up*
and so pro man..
Sunday, March 29, 2009
no title
you do not affect her day...
She is still happy for the rest of her day!!
She is still busy with her OWN works, not because of you..
Her tears may drop...
BUT it's definitely not because of you...
You do not play any role in her life!!
So why don't you just back off,
get out of her life..
You existance in her life is just to proof that she can overcome challenges better...
Thanks to you, she got a target in her life,
To eliminate you...
She don't give a damn about you..
Stop there!!
Don't come any nearer..
She don't need you to bother her anymore..
Just buzz off!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
in the morning
chat with friends in class..
"Girls, it's time to read your story books"
walking to my next door,
"Alright girls, settle down and start reading"
"Shh...start reading, stop talking"
"Pull up your socks"
reply: "Later lah.."
She won't listens to me,
I don't know why...
No matter how many times I ask her to do a particular things,
"Later lah.." will be her answer!!
I wonder why lo...
My friend (her friend too) told me that I should have know why..
I really don't know..
I just hope that her can stay outta troubles, that's all..
But once I step into my lovely class..then.....
all about duties dissapeared..
Really love them to da max man!!
They are fun!!
joke and joke and joke like nobody bussiness...^^
Monday, March 23, 2009
classmates should know what happened, kan?
I forgot to bring my pendrive to school today causing the processing the e-PPDa project gotta delay..
Sorry guys, for wasting your time..
You guys skip classes for nothing and I'm nicely studying in my class..
My truly apology to you guys..
went through hard times today...
Only one word to describe lo..
and OMG...
I forgot to pass up my EST exercise book eventhough Miss Sim came to me and say " mf, remember to pass up ur exercise book to me today, ya"
Oh oh...
sorry Miss Sim..
I'll pass it up to you tommorow, k?!
I promise^^
and someone please tell me one of the similarities and the differences between common cold and flu..
Got to know what happened to them yesterday!!
So sweet...
hey you...
ego fella... haha...
joking nia la...
dun angry oh...^^
plz b more proactive bah..
happy belated birthday!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Actually I should say that I don't really know how to manage my time well lo!!
I have not finish up all my homeworks...
Today went back to school for St. John...
I khusyuk ajar-ing the juniors (play more lo I feel)
I left Husna in the library doing our e-PPDa project ALONE there after Kaveesha have to go for tuition..
I feel very guilty~
I am sorry..
I feel that I don't really commited in it..
Have to stop the nonsense...
Vission : No more delayed works so that I can enjoy more!!
Mission : Got to push myself to finish up current works..
I hope...
- I will be able to finish up all those delayed works
- I can attend every weeks' tuitions
- I still have time to do revision (ya right)
- e-PPDa project is a success
- Balance myself in studies and clubs as well as rest!!
- I can successfully lose weight!! (oh God, plz come true!!)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I don't have the mood to online nowadays~~
I prefer stay inside my room, texting people...
I was placed in 4sc3...
The class member there are friendly..
I sit next to Thanusha!!!
I take care of 5A1 for a week..
I kinda miss last year's 5A1..!!!
Prefects no longer have offence slips to write..
They change the system to merit and demerit!!
As the whole class they will get it...
So, it actually trains them to be corperative among each other!!
My next door class, 4sc4 will be vanish next week...
The reason is...
there are too many 4A3 students in that class..
That's why they will come out with 4A4 by shutting down 4sc4..
Poor class~
They just only got to know each other nia!!!