Sunday, January 9, 2011
Missing you
I miss Soo Yee Sin and the reason is obvious
I miss Low Wai Yee for being there always and being my play rain kaki. going for recess together during her last year just to spend more time together until the day she found hers. being strangers on kaki lima face to face but such a caring one on phone @@
I miss Choo Yee Wei Rebecca for staying back whenever I'm staying and treat me lolipop everyday. saying I will study for PMR and she will study for her SPM but wth we talked the whole time. looked at her everytime, wondering seriously whether got chicken little's shadow or not.
I miss Chan Pui Yee and the dances we danced for prefect's gathering. The stories told by her and her S.H.E songs and MVs. Introducing Avril Lavigne to her and went to watch 'Secret' by Jay in Jusco, finding no more seats so chosen couple seat.
I miss Yap Hui Yoke for the practices we have gone through and the gossips on the person we dislike. Going her house earlier than everybody else to chat and tuition night together with rocky to keep us awake.
I miss Amanda Hew Mun Yee for her stories on hers and enjoy admiring her fans' bravery! Teaching me ICUCICU when I'm just 14 yeaers old.
I miss Goh Pei Yan for her acting that was so real. I was amazed by her for how a person like her can act so well ohmygoodness you may join the entertainment cycle for drama or movie and I'm sure you will be successful.
*chuckled* I didn't know I will miss all that~
Saturday, January 8, 2011
I kept wondering whether have you forgotten my existence, reading back all the messages and all the memories came back suddenly~
Eventhough the status changes, part of the heart is still there. How I'd wish that I can undo everything so the memories of both of us will never be created. I wish I have not met you. Oh, this is way too dramatic but who cares lah this is my blog!!!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmast Eve.. =[
even my dad thought I'm going, he called to asked me to be careful!
but sorry dears..
I'm not joining you guys!!
I cant ren xin let my mom alone kat rumah lar.. =]
but without me you guys pun akan sangat enjoy punya~
ambil banyak banyak pictures bagi i tengok!!
and also that picture I wanted to see~
and GBL, you are gonna be postman again soon!! =p
we DID praticed!! for lets say.. less than half an hour??!!
went HY's house to wait for dear HM~
and I suka sangat budak yue rui tu!!
very cute and en tao!!
he's 2/3 years old human kind BUT speaking alien languanges!!
after prac, HY came my house to wait for 12pm arrival!
and we had lunchie together with KK..
planned to go d fortune but dunno which rich human booked the WHOLE restaurant..
end up we go eat seafood.. [yum yum]
and boycotted + blacklist him because he parked NO PARKING supposedly punya place..
anw, thx for the lunch !! =]
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

ya.. me, MF, MY, WW and KS watched 2012.. and after lunchie at McD, WW and I watched Phobia 2 while KS, MF and MY watched Mulan..

MF and MY came to fetch me as early as 9am.. so, we let the train moves while we'll wait for the next one!!
the 1st thing we did was going for the directory, finding for MCKY to visit WMY.. she was wiping the big mickey that time and it's her husband.. next, we went to the gardens to find THS at starbucks.. Gosh.. she was so busy that time..
then, we went to buy tickets for 2012 because WW and KS are coming by cab, and might be late.. so we planned to buy for the second movie as well but that cashier said phobia 2 is only for above 18!! ==" end up ask WW and KS buy, the cashier didn't say anything!! O.o
2012 was fine and MF keep saying dat one of the guy sangat cute!! and we were actually keep laughing when having our lunch!! KS and WW have not taken their breakfast actually til 2pm ++.. and they are VERY hungry.. KS ate the most!! [woah~]
during Phobia time, gosh.. it was scary!! no one sit beside me and I was keep imagining what if the chair comes down by itself?! and the girls beside the unsitted chair are very noisy, they talked and laughed very loud lo~ ya.. and WW sit until so cool like nothing happened while I keep turning my head whenever I was frightened!![compare and contrast] haha! and ya, we admitted my good turning skills because not once also my head bang him!! haha..
we played hide and seek for 20 minutes.. and ate ice cream.. then go back!! Thanks to WW and KS for teman-ing me go back to Kepong station..[their stop is act Bank Negara, and it arrives b4 kepong].. thank you korang banyak banyak!!
I had lotta fun!! thanks guys~
Saturday, December 5, 2009
ya.. cz BL sudah habiskan semua cerita itu!!
went gurney for movie again!!
Warren fetched us.. haha~ [thanks Mr. Driver!!]
this time, we've got me, sis, Pat, Warren, and YS!!
we planned to watch Phobia 2~
went there, haha..
no more show!!
so.. after long discussion, we decided to watch New Moon bcz refused to watch Christmast Carol!!
and sorry 4 Twilight fans, the show is very boring!!
but what makes us keep laughing quietly, is the people in the front row!!
listening to their conv really keep us awake!!
oh.. did I tell you Mr. L is cute?!